UK Reverting To Blue Passports

The vote is not the final endorsement that will be needed to move the agreement into law—that is set to occur next month—however it symbolizes the top of years of political infighting over Brexit.

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<img class='wp-post-image' style='float:left;margin-right:10px;' src="" width="1031px" alt="Brexit News,latest brexit news,brexit news today,brexit … Read the rest

Brexit Information, Talks And Leaving The EU Negotiations

Brexit Information, Talks And Leaving The EU Negotiations

At 11:00 p.m. in London (midnight at EU headquarters in Brussels), a one-yr “transition interval” will formally start — or at the least the 11 months left of the yr.

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Brexit News,latest brexit news,brexit news today,brexit latest news today,brexit news updateBrexit negotiations in 2019 began in August, after having originally concluded in … Read the rest